
Prix Henry DunantWelcome to the official site of Fondation Prix Henry Dunant!

The Prix Henry Dunant is intended to reward individuals or organizations having made significant contributions to the study, spread, and renewal of the ideas and achievements of Henry Dunant.

The Foundation’s aim in awarding the prize is to bring due attention and credit to the efforts of those who embody a spiritual commitment in fighting for human dignity with their research, their ideas, and their gift for communication.

The Foundation awards the Prize in two forms: the Henry Dunant – Field Prize, and the Henry Dunant – Research Prize. In both cases, the Prize consists of a certificate and a sum of money. Download our flyer in pdf format (in French).

Recent News

25 October 2024 : The Henry Dunant Prize – Research 2024 has been awarded to Mrs. Ritika Sharma.

14 June 2024: Henry Dunant Field Prize 2024 award ceremony to Professor Marco Sassòli. The Foundation also presented itself at the event in honour of his retirement. Check out the full programme

31 May 31 2024: Lecture by Ms. Maria Grazia Baccolo, winner of the 2019 Henry Dunant Field Prize, on “Temporary Hospitals in Castiglione delle Stiviere after the Battle of Solferino” at the Henry Dunant Center.

2 May 2024: Press release for the book: “Henry Dunant and Gustave Moynier, Heirs of the Persecuted. In the Footsteps of Their Huguenot Ancestors,” Geneva, Henry Dunant Society, 198 pages.

13 April 2024: Lecture by Ms. Anook Vary, master’s student at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Geneva, on “Identity Anchors of the Red Cross: From Confessional Inspiration to Humanitarian Universality” at the Henry Dunant Center.

14 March 2024: Mr. Antoine Mourgue d’Algue is elected member of the Foundation Board and treasurer.

17 February 2024: Lecture by Mr. Mohammed Abdelmajid Ben Ahmed, winner of the 2016 Henry Dunant Field Prize, on “Henry Dunant and Tunisia Yesterday and Today” at the Henry Dunant Center.

13 December 2023: The Council of the Henry Dunant Prize Foundation has the sad duty to announce the death of Pierre-André Mourgue d’Algue, treasurer of the Foundation since 2002.

20 October 2023 : The Henry Dunant Prize – Research 2023 has been awarded ex aequo to Mrs. Rodanthi Violaki and Mr. Edward Madziwa.
6 March 2023: Mrs. Dyanne Marenco Gonzalez, laureate of the Henry Dunant Prize – Fieldwork 2020, was re-elected as president of the Costa Rican Red Cross for 4 years. Details on the Costa Rican Red Cross site.
28 October 2022 : The Henry Dunant Prize – Research 2022 has been awarded to Mrs. Sophie Timmermans for her paper “Addressing the non-homogenous nature of the civilian population in the conduct of hostilities: Enhanced protection through differentiation.”

23 May 2022: Mrs. Harriett Macey, laureate of the Henry Dunant Prize – Research 2021, published her thesis in the International Review of the Red Cross.

17 December 2021: Listen (in French) to the interview between Etienne Kuster, member of the Board, and Christophe Lanord on Radio-Cité. Ceremony recordings are available online.

22 November 2021: Mrs. Dyanne Marenco Gonzalez, laureate of the Henry Dunant Prize – Fieldwork 2020 has been elected President of the Costa Rican Red Cross.

29 October 2021: The 2021 Henry Dunant Prize – Research has been awarded to Mrs. Harriet Macey for her Master’s thesis «Safe Zones»: A Protective Alternative to Flight or a Tool of Refugee Containment?.

30 September 2021 : We have the pleasure to announce that the 2021 Henry Dunant Prize – Field has been awarded jointly to Mr. Christophe Lanord and Mr. Michel Deyra, co-founders of the Jean-Pictet Competition in International Humanitarian Law. Since 1989, the Competition has played a decisive role in the lives of hundreds of students, who pursued their studies and careers in the humanitarian field after taking part in it.

March 2021: The Costa Rica Red Cross published a video to celebrate Henry Dunant’s 110 death anniversary with our favorite actors 😉

February 2021: Mr. Jonathan Somer is currently Legal Advisor to the Danish Red Cross.

December 2020: Dyanne Marenco Gonzalèz, the 2020 Field recipient, is appointed as vice-president of the Costa Rica Red Cross.

30 October 2020: The 2020 Henry Dunant Prize – Research has been awarded to Mrs. Yulia Mogutova for her Master’s thesis « Mind the Gap : Right to life of State’s own military personnel in conduct of hostilities ».

Prix Henry Dunant Research: recipients

Prix Henry Dunant Field: recipients

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